What is Institute like?

Often I get phone calls from people interested in learning sewing machine repair. Some ask, "What Is Institute Like?"
It is not so easy to answer. On one hand it is like school or college. There are presentations with large screen displays and detailed instruction for the 12 or fewer students. It is also hands-on step-by-step guided activity taking machines apart, breaking them, fixing them, testing them, and using them. In part of the program, every student will have the same machine, in some cases small groups or teams work on bigger machines together, and at other times each student may have an entirely different machine. Most of the 3 Day Institute is held in our training center, but our Advanced Institute operates largely from our regional service center.
Through it all, we teach the fundamentals and principles of all brand sewing machine repair including mechanical, computerized, serger, embroidery, long arm, and industrial lock stitch sewing machines.